Sunday, October 1, 2017

Laying Track and a Crappy Situation

Down the Crapper

This update comes on the heels of a disaster we had last week in the basement.  We had a sewage backup and it put all model railroad activities to a halt.  Repairs and clean up occupied most of my modeling time. 

I’m going to have to rip out my workbench and replace it since it is no longer sanitary.  So all model building and dcc work has stopped.  To get even more “down in the dumps,”  I also had to remove my module set up station and moved my modules to the garage.
Regardless of the ‘crappy” situation we have made a lot of progress and still a lot of work coming down the pipeline here!

New Layout update

This layout update we show you how we laid the track as opposed to just showing the finished project!  We cover the whole process from laying down the track plan on the module right to gluing down and testing the track!  Check out the video below to see how we did it!

Let's flush this out

So that's this update - not too crappy?!?!?!  Post a comment or question. I always get back to people that take the time to comment!
Be sure to check out my Facebook page!  Its turning into fall which means its model railroad season! I am posting updates about once per week so check it out and please provide feedback!
You can find my Facebook Page here.  Make Sure to give it a 'like' to keep up with my progress!

Thanks for reading!  Until next time keep 'er in Notch 8!


  1. Well, crap! Sorry to hear about the backup and the setback. I guess you have to roll with it. Hope you "get back on track" soon.

    1. Thanks for reading! Clean up is going well! In the meanwhile I laid some track at Barnaby Mine until I can get my modules back in the basement.
